Our Cookies Policy outlines how we utilize and manage cookies on our website. Cookies are small files that require your approval for storage on your computer’s hard drive. Once accepted, these files are added to enhance your browsing experience by analyzing web traffic and notifying you when you visit specific sites. Cookies empower web applications to respond to your individual needs, preferences, likes, and dislikes by collecting and storing relevant information.

Usage of Cookies

We employ traffic protocol cookies to identify the pages you visit, allowing us to analyze website traffic data and customize our site to better meet the needs of our users. This information is utilized solely for statistical analysis purposes and is regularly deleted from our system.

In essence, cookies play a pivotal role in enhancing our website’s functionality by identifying useful pages and improving overall user experience. It’s important to note that cookies do not grant us access to your computer or personal information, except for the data you willingly share with us.

You have the option to accept or decline cookies. While most web browsers automatically accept cookies, you can modify your browser settings to reject them. Keep in mind that refusing cookies may limit your ability to fully utilize certain features on our website.

Links to Other Websites

Our Smart play Apk’s website and system may contain links to external websites. When utilizing these links to leave our site, it’s crucial to recognize that we have no control over the content and practices of these external websites. Consequently, we cannot assume responsibility for the protection and confidentiality of the information you provide when visiting these sites. These external websites are not covered by our Privacy Policy, and it’s advisable to carefully review the respective privacy policies of the linked websites.

We prioritize transparency and urge users to be vigilant when navigating external websites, ensuring an understanding of the privacy policies governing those platforms.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Cookies Policy or privacy practices, please feel free to contact us.